Cruise Forth


Business Briefing in Custom House, Leith - 20th March

This year, around 80 cruise ship calls will take place at Newhaven and Leith. A further 50 will arrive at South Queensferry or Rosyth. The first ship is due on 2nd April .  The season continues until mid-October.  Passenger numbers per ship range from around 150 to  2500.

You are invited to attend a briefing on the opportunities arising from the 2025 cruise season which will take place at the Custom House. Leith, from 10am-12noon on Thursday 20th March. There will be an explanation of the dates of each call, the number of visitors, the nature of the guests and what opportunities might exist, ship by ship.

To assist with planning, PLEASE REGISTER YOUR INTEREST IN ATTENDING by e mailing Peter Wilson using the email address before 12 noon on Thursday 13th March.



Promoting Dunfermline Video as a Cruise Shore Excursion for groups or independents

Cruiseforth has been working to promote Dunfermline as an ideal addition to the shore excursion options for guests on cruise lines on the Forth, who may already be seeking a quieter alternative to Edinburgh. With themes of Royalty, Andrew Carnegie, Pittencrieff  Park as well as learning about the true impact of philanthropy, a visit to Dunfermline is a must.  Only 30 minutes from Edinburgh and accessible by train and coach service
