Scotch Whisky Experience

354 Castlehill
Royal Mile
Edinburgh EH1 2NE
14.5 mi (40 mins) from Rosyth
9.6 mi (32 mins) from South Queensferry
3.6 mi (21 mins) from Leith
3.1 mi (18 mins) from Newhaven
56.5 mi (1 hour 26 mins) from Dundee
Tel: +4401 312200441
The Scotch Whisky Experience is a five-star rated visitor attraction located at the top of Edinburgh’s Royal Mile, next to Edinburgh Castle. The fully guided tour aims to educate and inspire visitors about Scotch Whisky, covering all aspects of production, geography, and appreciation.
Information is imparted via a ‘barrel ride’ through the production process, a sensory presentation explaining the different whisky regions, and a final guided whisky tasting within the spectacular vault containing the World’s Largest Collection of Scotch Whisky.
Whisky tours | Whisky Tastings | Whisky Bar | Whisky Shop | Amber Restaurant | 20 languages offered on tour.
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