Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Arboretum Place
Edinburgh EH3 6NZ
13.6 mi (26 mins) from Rosyth
8.3 mi (21 mins) from South Queensferry
2.5 mi (10 mins) from Leith
1.9 mi (7 mins) from Newhaven
55.7 mi (1 hour 18 mins) from Dundee
Tel: +4413 12482909
The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, or 'The Botanics' as we are locally known is one of the world's leading botanic gardens. A pleasure for everyone, our Living Collection of plants & trees are set in over 70 acres of beautiful landscape and also offers a stunning view of the city skyline. The garden highlights include the Rock Garden, Herbaceous Border, Woodland Garden, Chinese Hillside, our Pond, Rhododendron Collection, Scottish Native Plants Collection in our Heath Garden and our famous Arboretum of trees. Visitors cannot help but leave with a deeper appreciation and understanding of the importance of plants in our world, and the need to support the Garden's important work.
Entry to the garden is free. Entry to Victorian Palm House and Glasshouses are chargeable (Currently closed for restoration)
Bus 8, 9, 23 & 27 from city centre.West Gate entrance – Arboretum Place, Edinburgh, EH3 5NZ Hop-on, Hop-off tour bus stops outside the gate – 'The Regal Tour' (Edinburgh Bus Tours) and 'The Britannia Tour' (Bright Bus Tours)
East Gate entrance – Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LP
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