Aberdour Castle and Gardens

Aberdour KY3 0SL
6.7 mi (17 mins) from Rosyth
11.2 mi (23 mins) from South Queensferry
19.3 mi (40 mins) from Leith
18.8 mi (37 mins) from Newhaven
41.8 mi (59 mins) from Dundee
Tel: 01383 860519
Web: www.historicenvironment.scot
The 13th century castle is among the oldest standing masonry castles in Scotland and may in fact be the oldest. Aberdour Castle has been residence to three noble families over a period of 500 years – the Mortimers, Randolphs and Douglases – and has been enlarged in various stages throughout its history. It has beautiful gardens and a cafe. It is a filming location for Outlander.
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